Profiguration, Intergenerational Relationships and Overcoming Ageism through Narrative

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The research project is based on the results obtained in the project "ECAVINAR. Ageing, quality of life and creativity through narrative" (2016-2020), from which it has been shown that narrative, both understood as life stories and biographical and fictional works by prolific authors during their old age, contribute complexity and variation to social and cultural conceptions related to old age. The project we present here aims to go a step further than the previous project by promoting the study of narratives from intergenerational groups in order to reflect on those aspects that are either considered taboo or are not considered relevant and remain on the margins of social debates.

The starting hypothesis of the PRO-SUEDAD project is based on the relevance of promoting intergenerational relations as a way of building a sustainable society in which interdependence between generations is a form of wealth and not a form of exclusion. This is based on the concept of profiguration, a neologism that allows linking the completed ECAVINAR project with this new project which, based on the experience and results of the previous project, promotes new objectives in relation to the proposed theme. Prophiguration refers to the necessary agreement and recognition between generations in today's society. This new concept highlights the importance of interdependence between people of all ages and raises the need for a change of mentality that allows us to establish a new social contract based on altruism towards current and future generations, highlighting the importance of socialisation and education (formal, non-formal and informal activities such as literature, theatre, among others).

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