Marta Miquel-Baldellou has a degree in English Studies with outstanding Award and an International Doctorate in English Studies from the University of Lleida. She has a postgraduate degree in Literary Studies specializing in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature from the Open University of Catalunya and a Master's degree in Women's Studies, Gender and Citizenship from the University of Barcelona. She is a member of the research group Grup Dedal-Lit of the Department of English and Linguistics of the University of Lleida, specialized in the study of cultural gerontology in the field of humanities and a member of the European Network of Aging Studies.  

She has participated in different research projects related to literary studies and cultural gerontology financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, such as "Perceptions of Old Age in Contemporary Literature written in English" (BFF2000-1076), led by Dr. Brian Worsfold, and "Ageing and Gender in Contemporary English Literary Creation" (FFI2012-37050), led by Dr. Núria Casado, in which her research focused on the study of the late short fiction of the English writer Daphne du Maurier. She has also collaborated as a researcher in European projects in the fields of creativity and cultural gerontology such as "Stories for a Possible Europe," led by Dr. Fidel Molina-Luque, and "SIforAGE," under the supervision of Dr. Elena Urdaneta.

During her doctoral studies she received a Research Training Grant (AGAUR-FI) as well as a Research Fellowship (AGAUR - BE2) which she undertook in the English Department of the University of Leicester in the UK. Regarding gender studies, she received the "IV Cristina de Pizan Research Fellowship" which served to finance her research to carry out her final work for the Master's Degree in Equal Opportunities for Women at the University of Lleida. Recently she has received the "Maria Teresa Turell Postdoctoral Research Scholarship", granted by the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN), to carry out a research project in the field of comparative literature and narratology.

Her areas of research include age and ageing studies, comparative literature, popular fiction, cultural studies, and gender studies. In the framework of these specialties, she has presented papers at national and international conferences and has published articles in journals and volumes of international publishers such as Transcript Verlag, Peter Lang, Cambridge Scholars Publishing and Farleigh Dickinson University Press

Her research work within the framework of the current project "Ageing, Quality of Life and Creativity in Narrative" (FFI2016-79666-R) focuses on the study of the late fiction of contemporary English writer Susan Hill.   

  ORCID: 0000-0002-9002-5679