Núria Casado Gual is an Associate teacher in the English and Linguistics department at the University of Lleida. Her doctoral thesis was about the dramatization of racism in the work of Edgar Nkosi White (2006), and she has published several articles about him and other contemporary dramatists. Her current field of investigation is cultural gerontology, looking at literature, cinema and theatre. As currently the principal researcher of the Grup Dedal-Lit, she has dedicated more than a decade to the study of ageing and literature. She has co-edited the volumes The Polemics of Ageing as Reflected in Literatures in English (2004) and Literary Creativity and the Older Woman Writer: A Collection of Critical Essays (2016). She has been the main researcher in the project "Ageing and gender in the contemporary literary creation in English" (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, 2013-2015), and currently is co-principal researcher, together with Fidel Molina-Luque, of the projects “Healthy Ageing, Creativity and Narrative" (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness 2016-2020) and “Healthy Ageing, Quality of Life and Intergenerational Relationships" (INDEST, University of Lleida 2017-2018). Recently she has been following part of her research in theatre and ageing at the Keele Centre for Ageing Research of Keele University (United Kingdom) with the José de Castillejo programme of the Ministry of Education (2018), as well as in the work group "Performance and Age" linked to the Canadian Association of Theatre Studies. Núria Casado participates in theatre as an actress and playwright as well as directing university workshops. Six of her plays have been published to date.
Shevchenko-Hotsuliak, Inesa, and Núria Casado-Gual. “Ageing, Gender and ‘Other Disasters’: An Age-focused Analysis of Wallace Shawn’s Evening at The Talk House." Theatre in Times of Crisis. Ed. Nevin Gürbüz-Blaich. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [Accepted]
Shevchenko-Hotsuliak, Inesa, and Núria Casado-Gual. “Re-Imagining the Ageing Self through Dramaturgies of Memory Loss and Love: A Comparative Study of Tristan Bernays’ Old Fools and Nick Payne’s Elegy.” New Theatre Quarterly. [Accepted for publication in 2023].
Casado-Gual, Núria. “Creative Explorations for the Theatrical ‘Age Turn’: Scenes for a New Dramaturgy of Older Age.” The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and Aging. Ed. Valerie Barnes Lipscomb and Aagje Swinnen. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (In press) [chapter by invitation]
Casado-Gual, Núria. “Changing the Face of Catalan Theatre: New Portraits of Old Age in Two Contemporary Dramatic Comedies”. Bloomsbury Handbook of Ageing in Contemporary Literature and Film. Ed. Sarah Falcus, Heike Hartung and Raquel Medina. London: Bloomsbury, 2023. 325-37. [submission by invitation]
Casado-Gual, Núria, and Maricel Oró-Piqueras. “Changing Narratives of Ageing: Emma Thompson’s Performances of Female Old Age in Late Night and Good Luck to You, Leo Grande.” Fonseca 26 (2023): 51-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14201/fjc.31225
Casado-Gual, Núria, and Maricel Oró-Piqueras. “Diane Keaton’s Late Films: Ageing Gracefully for the Silvering Screen.” Feminist Media Studies (2022). DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2022.2071318