Dissemination activities 2022-2023

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Participation in the IV Workshop REDE TISSE. Territorios inteligentes e sustentáveis no ámbito social e educativo. November 17th and 18th, 2022. Universidad de Andorra and online format. With the participation of Fidel Molina, Paquita Sanvicen and Maricel Oró.

Participation in the Semana de la Ciencia de Secundaria (Science Week for High Schools) with the workshop: “El sentido de un final en las obras de Julian Barnes y Carlos Giménez” (“The Sense of an Ending in the works of Julian Barnes and Carlos Giménez”). Maricel Oró Piqueras and Katerina Valentova. November 11th, 2022, and November 8th, 2023.

Participation in the Cultural Week of Torregrossa with the workshop: “El paso del tiempo a través de escritores contemporáneos” (“The passage of time through contemporary writers”). Maricel Oró Piqueras and Katerina Valentova. November 11th, 2022.

The ACUP (Catalan Association of Public Universities) has published online the GUIA 3 Profiguración, aprendizaje-servicio y relaciones intergeneracionales (Guide 3. Profiguration, service-learning, and intergenerational relationships) written and edited by the members of PRO-SUEDAD: Fidel Molina-Luque, Deli Miró-Miró, and Paquita Sanvicén-Torné. The guide is part of the work that the project members carried out in the ECAVINAR project (2017-2020) and continue to develop in PRO-SUEDAD.

GUIA 3 Profiguración, aprendizaje-servicio y relaciones intergeneracionales

Participation of Ieva Stoncikaite at Masaryk University (Brno, Czechia) with the presentation “Autoethnography in Adult Education, Research & LifeLong Learning” at the Centre for Research on Ageing (CERA), September 20th, 2023.

Ieva Stoncikaite offered a seminar titled “Care and Dementia Research from the Lens of Literary and Cultural Gerontology” to students and professors of INCRA – National Institute on Health and Science on Ageing Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, Anconia, Italy, February 28th, 2023.

Maricel Oró Piqueras presented the seminars “Ageing and Desire in Julian Barnes’s The Lemon Table” and “Scary Ageism in Margaret Atwood’s ‘Torching the Dusties’” to students of the Bachelor's Degree in International Studies and the Master's Degree in Education at the Dipartamento Scienze Ummanistiche, University of Palermo, March 29-30, 2023.

Participation of Ieva Stoncikaite at Universidade Nova De Lisboa, Dept. of Modern Languages, Cultures and Literatures, with the presentation of two seminars to undergraduate and master's students of the department titled “Brief Introduction to Literary Gerontology: Ageing, Youth, Sexuality & Horror - Roald Dahl’s ‘The Landlady’” and “Literary & Cultural Gerontology: Erica Jong - Care & Dementia in the Fourth Age”, March 22-23, 2023.

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