Education and profiguration
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Fidel Molina and Joan Tahull, together with primary education teacher Isabel Olivares, have created the first ICE network for collaboration and activity design between primary and secondary education centers in the territories of the province of Lleida and groups of elderly people.
Equip ICE - Xarxa de Centres Profiguratius d'Educació Intergenearcional. (
Subject: "Emotional Education" of the Senior Degree, UdL (Second semester of 2024): Intergenerationality through the graphic novel by Carlos Giménez.
This project action involves the subject "Emotional Education" of the Senior Degree offered at UdL. The approach of the subject for the second semester of 2024 is precisely to work on the theme of emotional education from an intergenerational and intercultural perspective. In this subject, there are 5 students enrolled from the Senior Degree and 12 students from China who are studying the Hispanic Studies Diploma Degree at the University of Lleida in agreement with the Universities of Tianjin, Changzhou, and Soochow.
Anna Soldevila, a member of the research team, is responsible for the subject, and the work around Carlos Giménez's graphic novel in the classroom will be collaboratively carried out between Anna Soldevila and Katerina Valentova. The students, together with the teaching staff, decide on the type of work to be developed in a participatory and co-creative format.
Project Objectives
- Promote the development of socio-emotional competencies such as empathy, self-awareness, and emotional management among students to improve their emotional well-being and interpersonal relationships.
- Create a meeting and collaboration space between students from both degrees, promoting respect, understanding, and cultural exchange between both generational groups.
- Stimulate creativity and artistic expression using the graphic novel as a creative tool so that students can express their emotions, experiences, and worldviews artistically and collaboratively.
- Foster intercultural understanding by promoting knowledge and appreciation of Chinese culture among senior students and vice versa, as well as exploring and celebrating cultural similarities and differences through art and graphic narrative.
- Strengthen linguistic and communication skills by improving the verbal and non-verbal communication skills of Chinese and senior students through interaction and collaboration in the creation of the graphic novel, thereby facilitating the exchange of ideas and the building of meaningful relationships.
- Raise social awareness and intergenerational solidarity by addressing relevant topics for today's society, such as ageing, cultural identity, and emotions, through the creation of the graphic novel, aiming at raising social awareness and promoting solidarity among participants and the community at large.
Subjects: “Basic Concepts of Education” and “Contexts and Areas of Social Education” of the Degree in Social Education, UdL (Second Semester of 2024). Letters to a stranger. Relationships that transform.
The person in charge of the subject “Basic Concepts of Education” is Professor Anna Soldevila, and the person in charge of the subject “Contexts and Areas of Social Education” is Professor Ramona Ribes. Within the framework of the project and involving these two subjects, the idea is to work on the connection through letters between older adults and first-year students of the degree.
Around us, a negative and stigmatized view of older people persists, which ends up affecting the well-being of the individuals themselves. This action aims to be an educational and awareness-raising action towards this situation.
We want to create a space where students can read and listen, intending to create as authentic narratives as possible alongside older people. In addition to gaining a new personal relationship, the goal is to dismantle stereotypes about growing older and to learn from a critical spirit.
Project Objectives
- Promote interpersonal communication through epistolary correspondence between older and younger people.
- Raise awareness about the importance of intergenerationality in the context of Social Education.
- Integrate narrative as a pedagogical strategy for reflection and learning.
Subject: “Social and Educational Action for Active Ageing” of the 4th year of the Degree in Social Education, UdL.
This subject not only aligns with our mission to offer continuous and quality education but also aims to address an urgent need: promoting intergenerational understanding and collaboration in favor of active ageing. In a world where generational gaps often create distances, this project seeks not only to break down barriers but also to foster mutual understanding between young people and older adults. Through an approach centered on active ageing, we aspire to redefine the image of older adults as active and valued members of society. This subject is taught by Professor Anna Soldevila.
Project Objectives
- Break beliefs and stereotypes to challenge and transform negative perceptions about the ageing process, paving the way for a more positive and inclusive vision.
- Promote active ageing to empower and inspire both young people and older adults to live a full, active, and meaningful life, regardless of age.
- Foster empathy and solidarity to establish bonds of understanding and collaboration between different generations, creating a more cohesive and empathetic society.
Intergenerational Project “Life Stories” in collaboration with the Asociación Amigos de las Personas Mayores: in the subject “Social and Educational Action for Active Ageing” of the 4th year of the Degree in Social Education, UdL.
In this subject, the resource of life stories is used. It is a project within the subject “Social and Educational Action for Active Ageing” in collaboration with the Asociación Amigos de las Personas Mayores (Lleida). This initiative has allowed for a deep connection between generations and a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of ageing in solitude.
Through interviews, conversations, and the writing of life stories, the students have woven a network of human connections that goes beyond university classrooms. The Asociación Amigos de las Personas Mayores has been instrumental in facilitating access to participants and creating an environment conducive to meaningful intergenerational exchange. The results of this project are much more than mere data or academic conclusions. Deeply personal life stories, full of empathy and respect, have emerged. This experience has not only enriched students with a deeper understanding of the challenges and joys of old age but has also given a voice to those who all too often remain invisible in our society.
First Intergenerational Meeting: Social Education Degree Students and Grandparents
On the morning of May 3, the First Intergenerational Meeting between first-year Social Education students (UdL) and grandparents took place at the Faculty of Education, Psychology, and Social Work. During the second semester of this academic year, through the subjects “Basic Concepts of Education,” taught by Anna Soldevila, and “Contexts and Areas of Social Education,” taught by Ramona Ribes, the students have been corresponding with elderly people from the province. Through the exchange of letters and without knowing each other, students and elders have shared personal information, experiences, and views on various topics related to education. During the First Intergenerational Meeting, students and elders had the opportunity to meet the people who were on the other side of the letters. Through a roundtable and other activities, young and old shared experiences from their school years as well as their views on present and future education.
Intergenerational workshop
Anna Soldevila, together with her 4th year students of the Degree in Social Education at the UdL, took part in the second intergenerational workshop together with the Association ‘Sempre Acompanyats’ in which young and old people reflected on ageing and unwanted loneliness.
Creative writing workshop
"Aules Contra la Pobresa"
In the subject Mediation and Conflict Resolution of the Degree in Social Education at UdL, the concept of intergenerationality has been explored through "Les Aules Contra la Pobresa."