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Inicio del proyecto - mayo 2024

Casado-Gual, Núria. “Exploring The Epic of Older Women’s Lives: Alexander Zeldin’s The Confessions and Jan Vilanova’s The Most Beautiful Thing We Can Do as Intergenerational Dramaturgies of the Female Life Course." 17th International Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), University of Lausanne, 26-30 August 2024.

Casado-Gual, Núria. “The Role of Care in Alexander Zeldin’s Dramaturgies of Ageing: The Confessions and A Death in the Family”. International Symposium “Care and/in Twenty-First Century British Theatre.” Universitat de Barcelona, 16-17 noviembre 2023. (comunicación invitada)

Casado-Gual, Núria. “Old Age in the Spotlight: Towards an Anti-ageist Theatre in the Times of the ‘New Normal’”. IAFOR International Conference on Arts, Media and Culture. Barcelona, 19-23 setiembre 2023. (ponencia)

Casado-Gual, Núria, and Oró-Piqueras, Maricel. “Envejecimiento y Género a Través del Cine Reciente de Emma Thompson” presentado en “Estudios Etarios en Comunicación para el Cambio Social” (‘Ageing Studies in Media and Communication for Social Change’), webinar organizado por FONSECA: Journal of Communication, 1 June 2023. (comunicación)

Casado-Gual, Núria, and Shevchenko-Hotsuliak, Inesa. “Re-Imagining the Aging Self through Dramaturgies of Memory Loss and Love: A Comparative Study of Tristan Bernays’ Old Fools and Nick Payne’s Elegy”. 45th Conference of the Spanish Association for English and American Studies (AEDEAN), Universidad de Cáceres, 16-18 Nov. 2022. (comunicación)

Casado-Gual, Núria, and Oró-Piqueras, Maricel. “Changing Narratives of Aging: Emma Thompson’s Performances of Female Old Age in Late Night and Good Luck to You, Leo Grande”. ENAS & NANAS Joint Conference organized by the University of Bucharest: “Narratives and Counter Narratives of Aging and Old Age: Reflexivity in Aging Studies,” 28-30 Sept. 2022. (comunicación)

Domínguez Rué, Emma. “Absence of Sense: Non-Normative Visions of Motherhood in Elena Ferrante's The Days of Abandonment”. Discourses of Motherhood International Conference, London (UK), 2022. (comunicación)

Domínguez Rué, Emma. “Mater Loquitur: Recovering the Mother's Voice in Elena Ferrante's Troubling Love. ENAS & NANAS Conference: Narratives and Counter Narratives of Aging and Old Age: Reflexivity in Aging”. Bucharest (Romania), 2022. (comunicación)

Domínguez Rué, Emma. No Safe Distance: (Re)constructing Motherhood and Female Subjectivity in Elena Ferrante's The Days of Abandonment. International Conference on Gender Studies: Gender and Power, London (UK), 2023. (comunicación)

Domínguez Rué, Emma. “"I'm an unnatural mother": Motherhood and Ambivalence in Elena Ferrante's The Lost Daughter”. Discourses of Motherhood International Conference, London (UK), 2023. (comunicación)

Domínguez Rué, Emma. “Narrating the Mother: Naples and Motherhood in the Fiction of Elena Ferrante”. 'Narratives of Displacement' International Conference. London (UK), 2023. (comunicación)

Llurda-Marí, Àngels. “Exploring Age and Masculinities in Contemporary Short Story Writing”. Winter Doctoral Symposium: Literatures and Cultures in English. NOVA University of Lisbon. 18 enero 2023. (comunicación)

Llurda- Marí, Àngels and Maricel Oró-Piqueras. "Ageing Men in Isolation: Age and Hegemonic Masculinity in John Updike's and Julian Barnes' Short Stories". I International Conference on Gender Studies and Intermedial Narratives. Universitat Complutense de Madrid. 7 de marzo de 2024. (comunicación)

Llurda-Marí, Àngels. “Age, Masculinities and Short Stories”. University of Pretoria. 7 de mayo de 2024. (comunicación)

Mas-Solé, Guillem, ‘‘To Die Is to Be a Counterfeit:’ Sir John Falstaff or the New Existentialist Hero.’ [Universidade Catòlica Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal, 1–3 June, 2023]. Conference: 43rd APEAA Conference: Culture(s) of the Self. (comunicación)

Mas-Solé, Guillem, ‘Prospero’s Book: An Existentialist Study of Old Age in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.’ [Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, 24–26 April, 2024]. Conference: 34th SEDERI Conference: Cabinets of Curiosities: Collecting, Displaying, Consuming. (comunicación)

Molina, Fidel; Deli Miró y Paquita Sanvicén-Torné. “Profiguració i APS en la universidad: desarrollo de una educación intergeneracional inclusiva”. XI Congreso Nacional y V Internacional de Aprendizaje Servició. Barcelona. 25-27 enero de 2023. (comunicación)

Molina-Luque, Fidel. “Profiguración: una socialización intergeneracional para una educación necesariamente sostenible y holística”. XXI Congreso de Sociología de la Educación. Zaragoza, 29-30 de junio de 2023. (ponencia)

Oró-Piqueras, Maricel, and Núria Casado-Gual. “When Children Become Carers: Ageing, Intergenerational Relationships and the Crisis of Care in Blake Morrison’s and When Did You Last See Your Father? and Victoria Spunzberg’s The Weight of a Body”. International conference Age and Care: “Ageing in a Caring Society? Theories in Conversation. University of Graz, 20-22 setiembre 2023. (comunicación)

Oró-Piqueras, Maricel. “Envejecimiento activo, superación del edadismo, narrativa y relaciones intergeneracionales. Investigaciones de la Universitat de Lleida”. IV Workshop Da Rede Tisse 2022. Territórios Inteligentes Sustentáveis no ámbito Social e Educativo. Andorra, Recerca+Innovació. 24 November 2022. (comunicación invitada)

Oró-Piqueras, Maricel and Katsura Sako. “The Family, Generations and the Posthuman Future in Years and Years”. 18th International Conference on Contemporary Narratives in English. Recent Approaches to the Posthuman: Cultural Reflections on the (Post-)Human Condition. Universidad de Zaragoza. 15-17 mayo 2023. (comunicación)

Oró-Piqueras, Maricel. “Grandmothers in Maria Barbal’s and Penelope Lively’s novels: Between Asexuality and Wisdom”. 1st SGR Seminar G4RoC (UAB) and CELCA (UdL). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 15 novembre 2023. (comunicación)

Oró-Piqueras, Maricel and Fidel Molina-Luque. “Projectes sobre narrativa, envelliment i relacions intergeneracionals dirigits per grups de recerca GESEC – Dedal-Lit/CELCA”. Xarxa Vives d’Universitats. 14-15 March 2024. UOC, Barcelona. (comunicación invitada)

Sanvicen-Torné, Paquita y Fidel Molina-Luque. “Actualitat de les aportacions de Delors, Freire, Morin. Reflexions i revisions al voltant d’una educación profigurativa al llarg i l’ample en aquest segle XXI línquid, interconnectat i postpandèmic”. Congrés de Sociologia de l’Associació Valenciana de Sociologia. Alacant, 26-27 gener de 2023. (comunicación)

Sanvicen-Torné, Paquita y Fidel Molina-Luque. “Educació Profigurativa i ApS. Una estrategia d’innovació docent, investigadora i de transferencia en la formació Universitària. XII Congrés CIDUI. Universitat de Lleida, 4-6 juliol de 2023. (comunicación)

Shevchenko Hotsuliak, Inesa. Round table: “Contemporary Cultural Representations of Ageing: Deconstructing Ageism”. The 4th Barcelona Conference on Education, IAFOR Research Centre (Barcelona, Spain), 20 September 2023. (mesa redonda)

Shevchenko-Hostuliak, Inesa, and Casado-Gual, Núria. “The Ageing Self at the Heart of Dystopia: An Age-Studies Approach to Emma Adams’ Animals”. 43rd Meeting of the Associaçao Portuguesa de Etudos Anglo-Americanos (APEAA): “Culture(s) of the Self.” Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, 1-3 June 2023. (comunicación)

Shevchenko-Hostuliak, Inesa, and Casado-Gual, Núria. “Ageing, Gender and ‘Other Disasters’: An Age-Studies Approach to Wallace Shawn’s Evening at The Talk House”. International Symposium “Theatre in Times of Crisis,” University of Heidelberg, 24 March 2023. (comunicación)

Shevchenko Hotsuliak, Inesa. “The Older Woman on the Spotlight: An Age-Centred Analysis of Núria Casado-Gual’s Play Prime Time.” The 1st International Conference on Gender Studies and Intermedial Narratives, the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain), 4-5 March 2024. (comunicación)

Shevchenko Hotsuliak, Inesa, and Núria Casado Gual. “Re-Imagining the Ageing Self through Dramaturgies of Memory Loss and Love: A Comparative Study of Tristan Bernays’ Old Fools and Nick Payne’s Elegy”. The 45th AEDEAN Conference, University of Extremadura (Cáceres, Spain), 16-18 November 2022. (comunicación)

Stoncikaite, Ieva. “End-of-life Care, Relationships and Ageing: Two Examples from Contemporary American Literature”. [Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy, 13-15/9/2023]. Conference: Aging & Social Change: 13th Interdisciplinary Conference. Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging. (comunicación)

Stoncikaite, Ieva Ageing, Death and Spiritual Self-inquiry in India. Conference: 10th International Conference on Ageing and Spirituality. Challenges and Choices: Spirituality and Dignity in Later Life. Waterloo, Canada [online], 4-7/6/2023.  (comunicación)

Stoncikaite, Ieva. “Lessons From the Mentor for Life: An Intergenerational Narrative About Ageing, Loss and Gain”. Conference: ENAS & NANAS Joint Conference. Narratives and Counter-Narratives of Aging and Old Age: Reflexivity in Aging Studies. Bucharest, Romania [online], 29/9-1/10/2022. (comunicación).

Vizcaíno Cabezas, Verónica. “Sexual Liberation in Middle Age: An Intersectional Analysis of Non-Heterosexual Women in Jackie Kay’s Short Stories”. 46th AEDEAN Conference. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 8-10 noviembre 2023. (comunicación)

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