Publicaciones académicas
Descargar pdfCasado-Gual, Núria. “La maduresa, en femení, i com a epicentre dramàtic: imaginar i escriure Solitud a Stromboli.” Solitud a Stromboli. Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2024, pp. 5-9.
Casado-Gual, Núria. Solitud a Stromboli. Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2024. (Creative work, monologue for an older actress)
Casado-Gual, Núria and Maricel Oró-Piqueras. “Changing Narratives of Aging: Emma Thompson’s Performances of Female Old Age in Late Night and Good Luck to You, Leo Grande”. Fonseca. Journal of Communication. 26, 51-63. 2023.
Casado-Gual, Núria, and Inesa Shevchenko-Hotsuliak. “Ageing, Gender, and ‘Other Disasters’: An Age-Focused Analysis of Wallace Shawn’s Evening at The Talk House.” Theatre in Times of Crisis, edited by Nevin Faden Guerbuez. Cambridge Scholars Publishing [submitted].
Casado-Gual, Núria, and Inesa Shevchenko-Hotsuliak. “Pathologizing Aging Femininity: The Mad Older Woman in Tracy Letts’ August: Osage County and Florian Zeller’s The Mother.” Aging Experiments Anthology, edited by Benjamin Gillespie. Michigan Press [submitted].
Casado-Gual, Núria, and Maricel Oró-Piqueras. “Diane Keaton’s Late Films: Ageing Gracefully for the Silvering Screen.” Feminist Media Studies (2022). DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2022.2071318
Casado-Gual, Núria. “Changing the Face of Catalan Theatre: New Portraits of Old Age in Two Contemporary Dramatic Comedies”. Bloomsbury Handbook of Ageing in Contemporary Literature and Film. Ed. Sarah Falcus, Heike Hartung and Raquel Medina. London: Bloomsbury, 2023. 325-37. [submission by invitation]
Casado-Gual, Núria. “Creative Explorations for the Theatrical ‘Age Turn’: Scenes for a New Dramaturgy of Older Age.” The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and Aging. Ed. Valerie Barnes Lipscomb and Aagje Swinnen. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. 305-328. [chapter by invitation]
Emma Domínguez-Rué. 2024. Negotiating Feminine Identity through the Maternal Bond in Elena Ferrante's Troubling Love. Journal of Gender Studies. (to be published)
Katsura, Sako and Maricel Oró-Piqueras. “Successful Ageing and the Spectre of the Fourth Age in the Netflix TV Series Grace and Frankie”. Journal of Aging Studies. Volume 65, June 2023.
Molina-Luque, F., Stončikaitė, I., Torres-González, T., & Sanvicen-Torné. "Profiguration, Active Ageing, and Creativity: Keys for Quality of Life and Overcoming Ageism." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, no. 3, 2022, p. 1564. DOI:
Oró-Piqueras, Maricel, Casado-Gual, Núria, Vizcaíno, Verónica. “Yes, that’s me singing to myself”: Jackie Kay’s ‘These are not my clothes’ as a Self-Affirming Narrative of Care in Old Age.” The Gerontologist 64.6 (2024). DOI:
Oró-Piqueras, Maricel and Katsura Sako. “A Few Good Old Men: Revising Ageing Masculinities in Last Tango in Halifax”. In Sara Martín-Alegre and Isabel Santaulària-Capdevila (eds.). Detoxing Masculinity in Anglophone Literature and Culture: In Search of Good Men. Palgrave. 2023. 251-266.
Oró-Piqueras, Maricel and Sarah Falcus. “Queering Time, Questioning Ageism Through Speculative Fiction”. Aging Experiments. Futures and Fantasies of Old Age. Joao Guimaraes (ed.). Bielefield: Transcript, 2023.
Oró-Piqueras, Maricel and Yuliia Benderska. “The wisdom of intergenerational relationships in Ursula Le Guin’s Series Annals of the Western Shore (Gifts, Voices and Powers)”. Narratives of Ageing and Old Age in the Fantastic Mode. Special Issue in Frontiers of Narrative Studies. ed. by Heike Hartung and Sarah Falcus. 9(1): 1-15. 2023.
Sanvicen-Torné, P., Stončikaitė, I., Soldevila-Benet, A., & Molina-Luque, F. "Reconstructing the Social Image of Older Women and Ageing: The Transformative Power of the Narrative Set in the Local Context." Land, vol. 11, no. 7, 2022, p. 1057. DOI:
Shevchenko-Hotsuliak, Inesa, and Núria Casado-Gual. “Re-Imagining the Ageing Self through Dramaturgies of Memory Loss and Love: A Comparative Study of Tristan Bernays’ Old Fools and Nick Payne’s Elegy.” New Theatre Quarterly, 40.1 (2024): 76-87.
Stončikaitė, I. "Diana Athill: Unapologetic Ageing and Daring Love for Life." Creating New Meanings for Old Age: Plans and Projects After Eighty, edited by Isabella Paoletti, Palgrave/ Springer Nature (forthcoming).
Stončikaitė, I. "Entre Pinceles y Palabras: Docencia Universitaria con Arte y Recursos Comunitarios." Aprender a Través de Las Artes en la Universidad, edited by Glòria Jové, Editorial Narcea (forthcoming).
Stončikaitė, I. "From Invisibility to Empowerment: The Narratives of Older Women in Moggach’s The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." Older Women in Europe: A Human Rights-Based Approach, edited by Isabella Paoletti, Routledge, 2022, pp. 125-144. (ISBN: 9781032261157).
Stončikaitė, I. "Roald Dahl’s Eerie Landlady: A Macabre Tale of Aging." Journal of Aging Studies, vol. 62, 2022. DOI:
Stončikaitė, I. "The ‘Inside’ of Ageing: Autoethnography in Critical Geragogy." Educational Gerontology, vol. 49, no. 9, 2023, pp. 773-789. DOI:
Stončikaitė, I. "Uncanny Female Aging in Dahl’s Horror." Fear of Aging: Old Age in Horror Fiction and Film, edited by João Paulo Guimarães, Transcript Verlag (forthcoming).
Stončikaitė, I., & Ortega Montero, Ó. "In Darkness We Meet: Annie Ernaux’s Account of Care and Dementia." The Gerontologist, 2023 (forthcoming)
Valentová, K. & Macià, M. (2023). “Giving a Voice to the Silenced Women of Francoist Spain”. Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Studia Territorialia. Vol. 23, nº 1, 11-29. DOI: 10.14712/23363231.2023.8
Valentová, K. (2022). “Life in Pictures: Auto(bio)graphic ‘I’s of Carlos Giménez”. a/b: Auto/Biography Studies. vol. 38, nº 1, 211-245. DOI: